Season 9 is here with a Future theme. It was released on May 9, 2019 with a new battlepass as usual. The season 9 battlepass contains 100 tiers of juicy loot!

Here are some of the new things added for season 9 :
- hovering platforms & slipstream
- reactive wrap, robot pet, frisby toy, & dual axe harvesting tools
- fortbytes & challenges for every skin
- Neo Tilted (replacing Tilted Towers)
- Mega Mall (replacing Retail Row)
- Pressure Plant (replacing the volcano)

A slipstream is a tube of air created by circular fans allowing quick travel across the map. Players can exit the slipstream anytime and pull out their glider for a safe landing. There are seven hovering platforms scattered around the map in convenient places. Each one has four fans, one on each corner, creating air tubes (much like the slipstream) for vertical travel. The slipstreams are amazing for traveling around the map! The hovering platforms are great for travel too, but they’re even better for taking advantage of a high ground position.

At the end of season 8 Tilted Towers was destroyed by the volcano eruption, and in season 9 it was replaced by Neo Tilted. All the new buildings in Neo Tilted are new and futuristic. One building in particular is very special—the new Durrrburger! A holographic burger sits on top of the massive building! Retail Row was also destroyed by the volcano (but only the side with stores) at the end of season 8 and in season 9 has been replaced by Mega Mall! Mega Mall’s Pizza Pit rivals Durrrburger, and is crowned with a holographic tomato! The other new named location is Pressure Plant, replacing the volcano. It is a medium-sized facility in the remains of the volcano. The last new place is John Wick’s house—complete with his muscle car and gun bunker!

The John Wick 3 X Fortnite event is coming to Fortnite this week and will be similar to the Endgame event. The event will include 5 or 6 challenges, free rewards, a gamemode, and an official John Wick skin in the item shop for 2000 vbucks! There is another leaked skin named Gemini that is supposed to come out in the item shop soon. Today the tactical assault rifle was released and it’s supposedly the best assault rifle in the game.

All of season 9 was a success including the new locations, innovative fortbyte challenges, and the creative battlepass! The entire battlepass is amazing!! Well, except for the tier 100 skin—it’s boring and has terrible colors, and it’s just flat out weird. The slipstreams greatly improve the game by allowing easy travel, and the new futuristic locations are exciting to explore. The addition of fortbytes has really engaged the community in playing Fortnite and having fun too!